Operational Improvement Product Management

Arch Research provides operational expertise to help improve a company’s existing operations. Project engagements entail evaluating fault lines within a company’s process, and implementing streamlined procedures with robust data validation to reduce time and expense. Arch Research conducts robust post-implementation testing, with ongoing employee training and support to ensure a smooth transition.


NexFirm Client Onboarding Process Improvement

"NexFirm retained Arch Research to streamline our client onboarding process, which was cumbersome, time consuming, and expensive. The overhaul of our process and procedures has been transformational;  we were able to eliminate duplicate functions while enhancing the customer experience, and ensuring robust data validation to prevent data entry errors  We saw immediate improvement to our bottom line, and to our customer satisfaction ratings.

NexFirm is a provider of infrastructure solutions for small and medium law firms providing business strategy solutions. NexFirm creates a customized launch plan for attorney starting their own firm.  Once a firm is launched, NexFirm furnishes all the critical support functions from to maintain and grow their clients’ business; accounting, HR, benefits, technology, payroll, etc.” – David Depietto, CEO & Founder